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We’re a Microsoft customer story!

Microsoft recently featured our partnership with Temple University on their Microsoft Customer stories page. The customer story series highlights the work of IT solution providers and how they address customer challenges.

e-Magic has been working with Temple University for over 4 years and is a valued e-Magic customer. Through the provision of excellent customer service, our partnership has continued to grow and evolve.

The Microsoft Customer story highlights how we developed a framework for the implementation of an Integrated Facilities Management System for the entire campus. By having this capability, Temple would be able to easily integrate a heterogenous environment of control systems on a secure network architecture with the capability of integrating additional multivendor systems.

President and CEO of e-Magic Tony Harris commented, “With Azure IoT and Azure Digital Twins, we are able to create a scalable digital twins ecosystem that enables the university to reduce costs and improve operations across the campus, today and into the future as the campus grows.”

This feature is an exemplification of the value and level of service we provide when implementing our Microsoft solutions.

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