TwinWorX®: the Digital Twins solution for Smart Infrastructure
Extend asset life, increase utilization and optimize operational efficiencies with a Single Pane of Glass that provides actionable insights and decision making intelligence about your infrastructure assets.
Critical Challenges
Achieving maximum asset utilization in large infrastructure requires a balance of optimizing performance for long asset life while keeping costs under control.
Strategic planning can be difficult when data is scattered across many sites, systems and people.
Opportunities to lower energy and other operating costs may go unnoticed.
New innovations and improvements will not be implemented because they can be safely tested in isolation.
Future investments may overlook performance trends and patterns that could alter strategies and plans.
TwinWorX® Digital Twins for
Smart Infrastructure

TwinWorX® Digital Twins for Smart Infrastructure

Integrate assets, the energy grid, equipment, systems and people into one platform.
Get data out of silos and turn it into information, real-time status monitoring, performance analysis and and actionable insights about building performance.
Review and respond to fault detection and diagnosis alerts and alarms.

Gain 360 degree visibility of assets via a ‘Single Pane of Glass’ that unifies information, alerts and insights.
Maintain visibility to structural health.
Intuitively navigate through 3D visualization of facility geospatial information.
Quickly and easily search assets, telemetry data, alarms, insights.

Command and control assets across the portfolio via bidirectional communication.
Increase responsiveness by reacting to alarms and notifications.
Improve facilities management service levels with proactive and predictive maintenance.

Test what-if scenarios and simulations of risks and vulnerabilities using virtual Digital Twins instead of physical environments.
Understand the complexity of interconnected and interdependent systems.
Extend asset life using historical trends and analysis to better understand usage, wear, maintenance and performance.
Assess and optimize resource usage including labour and facilities.
Understand and improve traffic flow along with queue, wait and loading/unloading times.
Reduce Energy consumption and energy costs.